Are you a “yes” person? Sometimes it comes natural to please everybody. We are social people and love to be loved. But sometimes we say yes when we should say no out of a sense of obligation or guilt.
The issue is when we say yes when we should say no, we end up resenting and postponing our commitments later. We feel exhausted, spread across many things and you will end up burnt out and not doing anything.
Know this: You don’t just have the right to say no, you have the responsibility to.
You can’t be a really effective without sometimes disappointing others. Plus, your word is always your integrity. An honest no is always better than a dishonest yes.
Saying no starts with knowing your priorities, When you give time and energy to things to not important things or tasks, you’ll feel stressed. But, when you say yes to things that are aligned with your priorities, you’ll experience a sense fulfilment, knowing that your time is well spent and in the right place.
You must start by knowing what is most important to me? List about 10 to 15 things and then keep that list somewhere visible to you to remind you that everything in your life is not equal and you have to choose wisely.
Once you know your priorities, you must be intentional about protecting them. It looks like you are setting boundaries for how you spend your time and effort.
Setting boundaries isn’t selfish. it’s smart. When you don’t have any boundaries, you end up going places you don’t want to go. You spend money you don’t have. Life and people manage you, instead of you managing them.
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